Message from our Health Science instructor, Amber LeGrand about todays blood drive! We currently have 29 donations. If we reach 37 OBI will donate $555 to the charity of our choice. We are SO close and would appreciate any donors who would be willing to help us reach our goal! Come out and donate NOW until 3:30pm!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
blood drive flier
Superintendents and Principals from across SW Oklahoma joined together at SW Tech during a monthly administration meeting! Todays guest speaker was, Kimberly Hale, the Regional Accreditation Officer from the State Department of Education.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
room full of people
SW Tech Financial Aid Coordinator, Monica Cox, visits with Teacher Prep students today about applying for financial aid as they prepare to continue their education at the collegiate level!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
woman address class of students
SW Tech is now seeking a Night Clerk to start 2023 with us! Follow this link to check out the job announcement and apply online!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
September 20 is National I.T. Professionals Day! - Today we thank the people who fix our devices when they stop working the way they should the behind-the-scenes operators without whom we’d be back in front of an archaic chalkboard, doing things the hard way. On this day we celebrate our I.T. pros Matt Switzer and Mike Williams! Thank you both for your hard work and expertise! #OKCareerTech #ITProDay
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Man Standing with laptop
Man sitting at desk with computer
Southwest Tech students enjoyed a presentation by Mr. James LeGrand today for Constitution Day! LeGrande expressed to the students about our freedoms in America and how lucky we all our to choose our training and futures. Thank you students for exercising your freedoms and choosing Southwest Tech! And much thanks to our founding fathers on Constitution Day!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Room for of students eta
*Reminder* Parent/Teacher Conferences are tomorrow afternoon/evening from 3-6pm. Please plan on attending to visit with your child's instructor and receive information of the progress of your student!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Parent Teacher Conference Information
Come visit our booth at the Jackson County Fair today and tomorrow! Thank you to our Teacher Prep students for planning our super fun booth!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Fair fun
Fair fun
Fair fun
Fair fun
Monte Brown September Employee of the Month. The nomination stated, "Monte has given SWTC 110%+ since the day he started in June. He has worked tirelessly in his program area to ensure all things are in order to start school successfully. Whether rearranging and cleaning in the shop or hanging posters, cleaning desks, and figuring out online curriculum he has done a fantastic job preparing for the school year! Monte has also sought out training for equipment in his area to ensure he is prepared and able to offer the best opportunities to his students. He is full of ideas that lead to continuous improvement :) He is usually found with a big grin on his face and offering a helping hand to any and all. We are very fortunate and blessed to have Monte on our team!!!" Congratulations Monte! Pictured with Brown is SW Tech Superintendent, Dale Latham and SW Crop Insurance Owner, Emily Worrell, an avid supporter of the Employee of the Month program!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Man receiving and an award from woman
It’s Scholarship time!! Otha Grimes SCHOLARSHIP Who can apply: Any adult student enrolled in a full-time program at SWTC (Automotive, Aviation, BCT, Cosmetology, Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship, Licensed Practical Nursing & Welding) Apply on line at: school code is: 6uxun3 Application Deadline: Friday September 9, 2022
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Business and Computer Technology along with Teacher Prep students discussed VR procedures and got familiar with the operations in class today!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Students on the VR system
Students on the VR system
Students on the VR system
Students on the VR system
Students in Cosmetology class today did an exercise where they were blindfolded while attempting updos. The objective of the lesson is to teach the students about envisioning the larger picture in relation to their clients and their needs. The quote, "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision," was written on Mrs. Gina Seedig's smart board as the students prepared for the lesson.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Blindfolded student attempts hairstyle in the salon
Student presents her hairstyle she did while blindfolded
Blindfolded student attempts hairstyle in the salon  while instructor observes
Congratulations to our N.E.X.T. Scholarship Recipients!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Man with CEO receiving scholarship
Man with CEO receiving scholarship
Man with CEO receiving scholarship
If you have not checked out our new place to find Southwest Tech news do so by following this link Make sure to check back each week for the most up-to-date information about what's going on around campus!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Introducing Mr. Brinson and Mr. Odom, new Southwest Tech Aviation Maintenance faculty! Welcome!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Man teacher with aircraft propeller
Man with aircraft engine parts
Help us welcome our new teachers!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Info graphic of woman with computer
Info graphic of man with welding helmet
Business and Computer Tech students looking snazzy on their first professional dress day!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Group of students professionally dressed
Metal Fabrication students preparing for the shop on the virtual welders today!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
two students on virtual welders in classroom
Through an Oklahoma Lottery grant, Southwest Tech was able to purchase 11 Virtual Reality Trainers for each full-time program on campus. Today our instructors were training on the machines with the wonderful Corinne Hoisington! We are so excited to implement this new and emerging technology to our programs and enhance the training for our students! Check back next week for the full article on Virtual Reality Training at Southwest Tech!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
VR trainers
Woman with VR
Man an Woman with VR
Woman on VR
We had a great first week of school! We look forward to seeing everyone Monday!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Tech
Girls drawing a baby
Working on hair
Girl washing hair
Girl working on hair